CCPB srlis an Inspection and Certification Body for agrifood and “no food” productsobtained in organic and eco friendly production.
CCPB gotallAuthorizations&Accreditationsto carry out itsactivities.
WecountItalianMinistry of AgricultureForestry and Food Policy (MIPAAF), the accreditation for Regulation CE 834/07 for organicagriculture, the accreditation in compliance with rule UNI CEI EN/ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and the authorizations in Usa, Japan, Canada, and Switzerland.
All over the world
CCPB offersinspectionservices for nationalorganicstandards in UK, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Brasil and South Korea. The EuropeanCommissionalsorecognized CCPB asequivalentcertification body (according to Reg CE 834/07), in 39 countriesall over the world.
CCPB is a partner of IFOAM “International Federation of OrganicFarming”, EOCC (EuropeanOrganicCertifiersCouncil) and Quavera.